Racist Hair?


You might remember a story from a couple of weeks ago of a couple of black college students confronting a white male student over his dreadlocks. Apparently they were under the impression that dreadlocks were a black only hairstyle. In other stories over that past few months white girls were confronted by blacks for having braids which is kinda funny since whites have been braiding their hair for centuries and you don’t see a lot of blacks braiding their hair in the history books about Africa. Most recently Lil Kim has been scorned for trying to look white and of course Beyonce has always been pretty white looking.

How has the world and especially America gotten so politically correct that people can’t look the way they want to look without bring scorned by someone. Some Black chicks look great in blonde hair just like some white chicks look great in black hair. You didn’t really think that Xena Warrior Princess had naturally black hair did you? Well if you did here’s a surprise her natural hair color is blonde. If Lil Kim gets crapped on for trying to look white why doesn’t everyone in the black community crap on Beyonce? That bitch looks like a white girl whose been to the beach. I’ve known a couple of white guys whose natural hair looked like afros.

I think for most people their goal as far as looks are concerned is to look as good as they possibly can at least to themselves. My own hair used to go all the way down to my butt and even now it is longer than most womens hair. My neighbors little girl who is all of 4 years old asked me last week “why do you have long hair?” I looked at her a smiled my Cheshire Cat grin and asked her why she had long hair. She smiled as if I have given her the right answer and scooted off.

Personally I think the contrast between skin and hair color is pretty hot looking. Some oriental women are as white as snow and have very black hair. I think we can all agree that is pretty hot looking. Natural blondes strive for deep tans because dark skin and light blonde hair is a hot look and everyone knows it.Braids look good on both some women and some men. Why do women wear makeup if not to alter their looks?

There really is no such thing as hair color or style belonging to a certain race or gender. Before the Moors started raiding European coasts for slaves a European man with long hair was normal and the better it looked ie the more that it was combed and washed the higher up the social ladder he was perceived to be.

Given the current politically correct atmosphere we live in, maybe a white guy with dreadlocks should be considered black and a black girl with straight hair should be considered white and any woman with short hair should be considered a man? Or maybe not because what you look like shouldn’t summarily dictate who you are. Crap when I was in college I dyed my long blonde hair green for fun because my after school job was as a after school counselor for kindergarten aged kids. They loved it and they always knew where I was which was important.

Messing with peoples hairstyle is just about as messed up as it gets. Who cares? If the person who wears the hair likes the hair, it shouldn’t be anyone elses business. I have had my hair long most of my life and I like it that way and if you don’t like it fuck you. If the length of my hair, or the color or style of someone elses hair is a problem for you then maybe it is time for you to seek psychological help.

But if you’re just looking for an excuse to start a fight with someone stop being a pussy and just walk up to them and punch them in the face. You’ll probably look pretty good in prison orange so go for it. Otherwise just shut your piehole and mind your own bees wax.


Cruz: Insane in the Membrane


Now that Ted Cruz is statistically eliminated as a possible winner of the Republican Parties Primary we can all expect Cruz to withdraw from the race and unite the party around Trump to defeat Clinton in November right? But nooooo. After a though ass whooping in the Northeast Cruz is choosing his V.P. choice. WTF?

I’m pretty old but even at my age I’ve never seen any GOP primary candidate choose their VP before the convention much less choose one when they are getting clobbered in the primaries. And his choice is Carly Fiorina? Seriously? A loser picking an even bigger loser? This can’t turn out well for Cruz (unless the female population in America is just as insane as he is).

What about Fiorina herself what is she thinking? Yeah ok she’s jobless and probably desperate for work but how could she possibly believe that becoming a losers VP choice could possibly advance her political career. She’s supposed to be a smart business woman but accepting Cruz’s insano plan says a lot about her judgement and it isn’t good.

Ted Cruz isn’t just proving how desperate he is to be president he is also showing that there are no lengths he won’t go to for that end. For the last couple of years or so he has been carefully grooming himself as a man of integrity but this moves clearly shows integrity is something he completely lacks. And again this displays his own judgement and it isn’t good.

It’s time to put Raphael back in his FEDEX box and ship him back to Canada where he belongs. He’s a charlatan with a case of snake oil who does not have the integrity to hold the highest office in the land. Obama was a disgrace as a president but Cruz would make Barry look like a church mouse.

Ted Cruz

England is to Blame for the Downfall of Europe


When Germany came to the aide of its friends at the start of WWI both France and England saw Germany as a treat to their extensive empires. The Germany army was strong and had France and England not declared war on them there would not have been a WWI at all in fact the war that started it would have been over very quickly. But both France and England got schooled by the Germans for interfering and were both losing the war badly as was Russia who was also involved. Germany, which didn’t really see either France or England as true enemies offered them both peace the terms of which were that all things would return to the way they were before that war began. This was probably the best peace offering in the history of warfare.

This offering however was humiliating to the two nations who had both been the controlling entities of Europe for centuries. Both countries still had massive empires and losing to Germany was akin to England being beaten by the American revolutionaries. So when the leading Jewish banks from mostly Germany came to England with promises of financing England’s war effort and also promising Americas involvement for a little scrap of land in the Middle East, England welcomed them with open arms. It only cost America 150 lives through the sinking of the British ship Lusitania which at the time was illegally trafficking arms shipments from the U.S. to England to get America involved in the conflict, yet even with Americas help no Allied troops ever breached the German Boarder. For The Jewish bankers betrayal of Germany they were rewarded with the Balfour Declaration which eventually led to the State of Israel.

When WWII broke out with Germany’s invasion of Poland it would be hard to call that invasion unjustified. After WWI large areas of Germany were carved up and much of Germany’s former territory was given to Poland. In fact part of the land given to Poland separated Germany into two unconnected parts. If that wasn’t bad enough after the war Poland had designs on Germany and to that end had tried to get France to join them in not just invading Germany but completely conquering Germany splitting the country down the middle forever wiping Germany completely off the map.

To add insult to injury native German people who after WWI found themselves to be a conquered people and part of Poland were being systematically abused by the Polish government and the Polish people. Thousands upon thousands of murders, rapes, torture, and the destruction of homes and businesses belonging to these Germans are well documented. Polish snipers also had great sport shooting German refugees who were trying to escape to what had then become a much smaller Germany.

Initially Germany under Adolf Hitler tried to work with the League of Nations a European version of the United Nations to resolve the issue offering several different plans through diplomacy but to no avail. With no relief from the international community and Poland threatening Germany boarders, Germany had no other real option than to invade Poland which obviously they did with extreme efficiency.

Once again the empires of France and England could not tolerate an equally strong Germany and declared war on Germany ensuring another war for the world to fight on their behalf to protect their dominance as world powers. England most of all desired another war with Germany long before the first shot was fired as some of Churchill’s statements indicate.


To ensure that Germany was forever to be the sniveling nation it has become today the victors of WWII picked up on a lie told by the Jewish Communists in Russia to try to distract the world from Russia’s own slaughter of between 40 and 60 million of its own people namely the Holocaust. The plague that devastated  Europe during the first half of the 20th century Typhus, was turned into the Holocaust and a pesticide, Zyclon B was turned into cyanide and claimed to be used to exterminate 6 million Jews. Two things should be noted here. First the International Red Cross has never claimed that more than 500,000 people died in Germany’s detention facilities (most according to them from Typhus) and second that according to the Jewish World Dictionary no significant loss in the population of the Jewish people was evident. Six million Jews represented about 1/3 of the worlds Jewish population at that time.

So here we have the situation in Europe today born from the seed of the Balfour Declaration in which Germany is still an occupied nation controlled by a shadow government due to the treaty of Geheimer Staatsvertrag enacted on May 21, 1949 which robs Germany of its ability to govern itself until 2099, committing cultural suicide driven by Zionists and with it taking the rest of Europe along for that suicidal ride to hell with millions of Muslim African and Middle Easterners destroying what little is left of Europe’s culture. Population estimates confirm that Europe will be dominated by Islam sometime within the next 20 or 30 years.

We could blame Jewish bankers for this entire mess and be quite justified for doing so because they held out the carrot but it was England that took the carrot. No one forced England to take the carrot instead of the generous offering of peace from the Germans. It was England’s arrogance and greed that set the wheels in motion and it is ultimately England who is to blame for beating down the German people until they weren’t even capable of protecting themselves from their own annihilation.

Now look at England today. The empire is long gone and Muslims have taken over large areas of their little piss ant island. I don’t cry for England not one tear. What is happening to England today and what will continue to happen to them in the future is richly deserved. Karma has prevailed.



Investing for Young People


I have been asked by a young person about investing and it occurred to me that many young people could benefit from my expertise in the subject. Before I get to the meat and potatoes let’s have a good look at your life and what goals you should be striving for. To begin the odds are pretty high that your parents have completely screwed up your families legacy. They probably divorced or wasted their lives with other pursuits throwing you to the wolves and expecting you to “make it on your own.” I doubt any of you are expecting any kind of inheritance in fact I suspect for most of you your parents will become a burden to you as they get old and/or pass away leaving you with the bill for their lack of vision.

What should your goals be? First of all you don’t want to be a burden on your own children so you’ll want to prepare for the day when you can no longer work. Don’t kid yourself into believing you can work until you are 65 or 70 because very few people make it that far. In all likelihood you’ll end up with a minor or major stroke, heart problems, cancer or some other illness or accident that will take you out of the job market long before social security kicks in and even if you make it to 65 you’re just kidding yourself if you think you can live on that unless you develop a craving for canned dog and cat food. Aside from preparing yourself for your last day of work you’ll also want to get a life insurance policy so your kids won’t have to dish out their own money to plant you in the ground. And finally you’ll want to build a family legacy by leaving something tangible behind for your child for them to build on.

One more thing before we continue. Investing is gambling plain and simple. There are no guarantees, people win and people lose and most people lose more than they win just like in Vegas or Atlantic City. Even the big players lose lots of money none of which is tax deductible. The government always wants a piece of your action but doesn’t want to share in your risk. Just like a trophy wife.

My best advice to young people requires an incredible amount of discipline and vision. The best investment you can make is something called annuities. Annuities pay something called dividends which means that quarterly, or every six months or yearly you can expect a check representing your share of the profits that the company made during those periods. You can get them through any stock broker or even your homeowners insurance agent. Most home insurance agents are also annuity brokers. The beauty of annuities is that they do not depend 100% on whether your stocks go up or down or not. Yes stock movement will affect your income potential but there is an old saying in the stock business, “you haven’t lost until you sell” and there is no reason to ever sell your annuities. Buy the stocks of products you like, coke, beer, tractors, whatever.

What you will need to do to begin is decide how much money you want to spend each month on purchasing these stocks and stick to that program no matter what. Additionally every time you get a dividend check you’ll want to add that to the kitty of what you are already spending. At first what you invest will be relatively small but as you continue to buy more annuities and adding to the pot with your profits after a few years you’ll be buying more and more each year. If you manage to continue doing this until you are no longer capable of working anymore you’ll live comfortably with a guarantee of some kind of income as long as you resist the urge to touch any of your stock or put less in the pot each year that you originally decided to put aside.  In fact as you claw your way up the economic ladder your minimal investment should increase not remain the same.

Now just because your parents screwed up with you doesn’t mean you have to screw up with your kids. Family is about building a legacy and odds are you’ll be the one who will have to start that ball rolling. You need to leave something behind for your children to build upon and annuities are the perfect vehicle for that. Bear in mind you will have to teach them about these stocks, building your families legacy, adding their own money to the annuity pot, and not ever touching what has been purchased other than the income they generate and only then once they have retired.

Doing what I have recommended here will ensure that your children and grandchildren will succeed in the financial world and that you won’t be pushing a shopping cart full of your belongings while eating Meow Mix when you get old. Start now. Start today. It is never too soon.

Dear Ted Cruz


It’s time to withdraw your candidacy Ted. Enough is enough already. There are several reasons why you should quit not to mention the one about you NOT being a natural born citizen. You claim to be a champion of the Constitution and yet you piss all over it by using legalese to cover your tracks but that won’t fool anyone in November.

The truth is you can’t win. Your candidacy is weakening the Republican Party and the only thing you can possibly accomplish now is ensuring that the Democrats will win in November which is the exact same excuse you are using to try to steal delegates. You might be fooling the hard warmongering right but they can’t win you the presidential election. At best (and this is a very long shot) you might win a brokered convention but that would only expose the GOP as the most corrupt party in the republic.

You claim to have conservative values? I don’t see any conservative values in lying or cheating. I don’t see conservative values in trying to steal the nomination from the front runner or win by the back door. Conservative values are honesty, ethics and fair play.

It’s time to stop the bullshit Ted. It is time for you and John and the rest of the GOP to get behind your partys new leader and work to make sure that Trump wins in November instead of chasing your own narcissism. It’s over. You’re done. The fat lady has sung her song. Get used to it and try growing up a little. You are risking your career here by continuing this farce.

There is no scenario  in which you come out on top if you continue fighting the will of the people. Put on your big boy pants and say goodbye Ted.

Sarah Palin for Vice President


To anyone who thinks Sarah Palin lost the 2008 Presidential election I’m here to say unequivocally that you sir or madam are full of shit. You are the result of progressive liberal programming and you don’t have a clue what you are talking about. And the fact that you would allow this to happen to you speaks volumes about how little attention you have paid to politics throughout the years.

When John McCain chose Sarah Palin to be his running mate he did so for all the wrong reasons. Mrs. Palin was a virtual unknown at the time and she is obviously a woman, which are the two major reasons McCain picked her. A former beauty queen turned political activist she shot her way up very quickly to governor of Alaska and among the people of Alaska she was an extremely popular governor. Her fiery speech at the convention turned the tide for the Republican party with her classy looks and her strong conservative values and for a short time it looked like the McCain/Palin ticket was actually going to overcome Bush’s bullshit wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the real estate bubble bursting. That was one hell of a speech and one hell of an accomplishment for a little girl from bum fuck Egypt.

Instead of letting Sarah find her own path  McCain and his team took someone who wasn’t ready for the big stage and micro managed her as if she was some kind of puppet. The kind of puppet the McCain had quite frankly been looking for. Predictably Palin began to come apart at the seems from being micro managed to dealing with the pressure of being in the national spotlight and the unrelenting attacks from a progressive liberal media who was acting like a political action committee instead of the journalists they were claiming to be. CNN as well as other news networks were openly stumping for Obama for no other reason than he was Black and clearly that turned out so well.

The media and the progressive liberals didn’t just attack candidate Palin they also attacked her family and even the state of Alaska. These character butchers were so intent on destroying her that they even began to pile nuisance lawsuits against her and this is an important piece in the puzzle because after the 2008 loss she was forced to resign her governorship because of these lawsuits. You see unlike just about every other state in the union Alaska does not protect its governors from lawsuits while in office. In the other states you cannot file lawsuits against a governor until they leave office. Because this protection did not exist for Palin she had to defend herself while at the same time run a state. Sure she could have held her post and taken her paycheck while only pretending to still be in charge but instead she did something very noble in withdrawing which was the right thing to do. How many politicians do the right thing anymore?

Then there was Tina Fey’s near perfect Sarah Palin look and mannerisms that managed to convince people that Palin actually said she could see Russia from her house.  She never actually said that but even now 8 years later a majority of Americans think she did. Talk about being brainwashed.

Over the years Sarah has learned a lot about international politics and foreign affairs. A lot more than most of my readers have. She has had a couple of successful television programs centered around her love of her home state and she has still managed to be a wife to her husband, a mother to her children, and a grandmother to her grand children all the while dealing with the exact some kind of family issues normal people like you and me deal with on main street.She has continued to stump for the conservative cause and has been a strong voice for conservatism, Christianity and the Constitution even with the media and progressive liberals continuing to try to do everything they can…even after all these years to try to destroy her and her family. I wonder how many of you would fair as well against such an onslaught. The simple reality is, she is a remarkable woman no ifs ands or buts. She is battle tested and if Trump picks her as a running mate I feel sorry for the opposition because she’s going to shred them like the mama grizzly bear that she is.

Whether she gets the VP nod or not it is long overdue that conservatives start giving Palin the accolades she has earned and deserves. She has stood by us while in breech and it is long overdue that we stand by her. We owe her that much.


Progressive Liberals are Freaking Out


A lot of patriotic Americans are upset at the way progressive liberals have been behaving as of late. They shouldn’t be.

First of all the people who are “protesting” Donald Trump rallies are proving what many of us have been saying about them for a long time. These people have no respect for other peoples rights or the law of the land. Calling what they are doing “protesting” is a bit of a stretch. Screaming obscenities and trying to prevent others from hearing what they see as their opposition isn’t protesting it is oppression plain and simple.

What many “protestors” are doing comes right out of the Frankfurt School of pseudo intellectual communism. These useful idiots are promoting an ideology that has been a proven failure because they are either completely ignorant of the realities of the world around them or flat out stupid. But what the core of what they are doing proves is that even in 2016 socialism/communism are ideologies of force that require violence of one kind or another.

More importantly than the basics of stupidity that these morons are displaying is the fact that they know they are losing their battle to indoctrinate the hearts and minds of most of the American public. Their acts are acts of desperation and you can hear the desperation in their voices and see the desperation in their actions. They sense what everyone else senses and that is that their time in the sun is rapidly running out.

America has had enough of their failed progressive liberal ideals. We are tired of their divisiveness and “anything and everything is normal” mentality. For any civilization to survive there must be behavioral structures and limitations in place as history has proven time and time again. The NSDAP of post WWI Germany was born from exactly the kind of immorality, debauchery  and ultra left idealism (communism) that we see so prevalent on the left today.

So take heart patriot. What you are seeing is the disintegration of the left in America and the only people the radical left can con anymore is college Snowflakes who have never seen a good economy and a reasonable moral foundation (they all grew up during the Obama regime), the leeches and parasites, illegals, paid for disrupters, and the idiots who have been sheltered from the real world all their lives behind the now tarnished pillars of the corrupt educational system.

We are winning. We will win and they know it. And they are scared to death to see the gravy train of unearned riches and unjustified attention coming to an end. Pretty soon these violent little Snowflakes are going to have to grow up and live in the real world to their own devices and it scares the hell out of them. And not a moment too soon.

John Galt Exposed!


In 1957 Russian immigrant Ayn Rand penned one of the greatest novels ever written, “Atlas Shrugged”. For those of you who haven’t read this book yet it is a must read. The novel takes place in a time not unlike the one we live in presently, in which government makes doing business practically impossible and whatever profits business does make is looked at as entitlements for those who are either too lazy or stupid to make it on their own as adults on the economic stage. As this unfolds industrialists, innovators, and other producers start to disappear shortly after being contacted by a man mysteriously known as John Galt. As these movers and shakers begin to go missing the economic structure of the world begins to disintegrate.

The title of Rand’s book “Atlas Shrugs” is a metaphor for what occurs in her novel. In antiquity Atlas holds the world on his shoulders and he represents the people who create innovation and jobs who in a more realistic context hold the worlds economy and many might argue Western Civilization together. Atlas shrugging indicates that Altas has had enough of holding up the world and allows the world to fall into destruction. So it is in Rands book when the people who keep the economy afloat decide that there is nothing for their efforts and just disappear leaving the parasites and leeches to their own demise.

Over the years the phrase “Who is John Galt?” has become a rallying cry for both capitalism and freedom, both economic and personal. In 1957 John Galt would have been seen as the captains of industry and the owners of large corporations but that can no longer be the view as most large companies and corporations are no longer owned by single entities but by you and people like you who have stock portfolios, I.R.A.s, 401K plans, and mutual funds.

So if John Galt can no longer be considered the captains of industry anymore because they have largely become extinct, who is John Galt? Who has had enough of being accused of everything and having everything taken away from them which they have earned by those who have earned nothing?

It appears from all the evidence that Ayn Rands story is now unfolding before our very eyes and it is important to look at Rands work as a metaphor to see it. The people who created democracy, constitutional republics, capitalism, and most of the innovations everyone now enjoys have just about given up. They have tired of holding the world on their shoulders which they have done for many decades if not centuries to the ungrateful who refuse to acknowledge their accomplishments and instead demand and equal share of what they have not earned themselves while demonizing them. John Galt is a race of people known as Caucasians.

Caucasians are allowing the rest of the worlds races to rape their homes, their culture and their accomplishments and doing so without much of a fight. In fact they are welcoming them to do so and within a handful of decades they will become inconsequential leaving the rest of the world to do as it will.

And what will happen to the world when the innovators of economics and political constructs are no longer the influential force in the world? One simply needs to regard how the rest of the world is to see what will unfold.

Atlas has shrugged and dropped the world from his shoulders and in the near future the rest of the world will see what it has wrought upon itself.


The Most Important Freedom of All

Themis 3391
Themis 3391

Any psychologist would look at the Constitution of the United States an easily identify which freedom is the most important because it is the first to be mention and of course it also makes the most sense. There is no freedom greater than the right to be able to express yourself. To speak your mind even when what you say is unpopular. One would think such a freedom was self evident or an axiom if you will but it is not. All across the world opinions and even inconvenient truths are suppressed and freedom of expression is a right few people even in the 21st century enjoy.

Now I know when I mention the rarity of the First Amendment to the Constitution you’re probably thinking about places like Communist China or Cuba and of course it is rather par for the course that communist countries oppress descent of any kind as communism by its very nature can only be viable when force is used. Descent of any kind threatens the collective. But to assume that state controlled expression only exists in communist countries or dictatorships would be a gross error.

The truth is in most of the Western World freedom of expression is as rare as it is in the 3rd world. In England a man was arrested for quoting Winston Churchill in public. In many European nations questioning or producing evidence that contradicts the post WWII Allies propaganda can get you thrown in jail in fact a Catholic Bishop was arrested in Germany for making the claim that he could find no viable evidence to support the Holocaust claim. In most of Europe simply posting anything online that goes against the progressive liberal narrative regarding Middle Eastern and African migration into Europe will get you visited by the local constables and likely arrested with the possibility of jail time. Even if what you are saying is true.

Freedom of expression is indeed a rare privilege in the age of space travel and flying cars. But is the freedom to speak ones mind actually the most important freedom of all?

There is something that all counties who oppress their populations have in common and that is that these countries either ban guns outright or regulate them to the point that the average citizen would be unlikely to be able to own one or at least not own one without the governments full knowledge of the number and type of weapons they might have as well as the amount of ammunition they have. Because of this average citizens are not only unable to defend themselves against criminals, terrorists and the mentally unstable but even more importantly they are unable to protect themselves from their own governments. Therefor there is nothing to stop the governments from doing as they please regardless of whether the citizenry approve of their actions or not.

Ask yourself this, “Did any citizen in Europe vote to have their country overrun my Islamic migrants?” Of course the answer is no and even after these migrants began killing and raping women and children the people are unable to halt the flow of these migrants and when they protest against the destruction of their culture and heritage they are met with water-cannons and armed police and military. They have to take it because there is nothing they can do about it but hold up signs and even their signs are an invitation of arrest and persecution. This is the result of government held unaccountable.

The point is that you cannot have freedom of expression without the ability to enforce it and the only way the people can enforce such a right is if the government fears the people more than the people fear the government. An armed uprising by the people helps to keep the government in check which is why the government is always trying to curb the peoples right to defend themselves.

In America we see the right of freedom of expression being threatened like never before and at the same time we are also seeing our right to defend ourselves also being threatened because these two rights walk hand in hand. These threats come almost exclusively by the left not because they really believe a Utopian society is possible but because the left desires to impose its ideology upon the people. There is no other way for them to succeed because again any descent is a threat to the collective they seek to create. They cannot convince so they must impose and to impose they must be able to do so without any viable resistance. This is the evil the pure evil that enslaves free people and free people are becoming a rare bird.

The most important right you have is the right to defend yourself against government because without that right no other right has teeth.

Here endith the lesson.


College Doesn’t Make You Smart

As we watch university’s disintegrate across America many of us have begun to wonder if this generation of college students, who we have lovingly labeled as “Snowflakes” should be going to college at all. Even worse we have to ask ourselves whether our current batch of college professors are even qualified to educate them in the first place. The reason we must now ask these questions is because of the incredible amount of pure ignorance coming not just from the spineless little Snowflakes attending our colleges and universities but the unprecedented level of ignorance regularly displayed by their teachers.

Take economics for example. Capitalism is the newest economic theory to ever come down the pike and granted America has become less and less of a capitalistic nation as the decades have unfolded but it would be impossible to make a genuinely logical argument that capitalism, though not perfect, has not done more to improve mankind’s lot than any economic model that has ever been perceived. Because of capitalism millions of people are being fed, sheltered, and have more liberty than at any time during the history of the human species. Yet instead of celebrating capitalism’s monumental achievements our universities and colleges are teaching almost the exact opposite. Surely most professors would benefit greatly by being encouraged to retake history and civilization courses which they have clearly forgotten. A few classes in Freidman based economics wouldn’t hurt either.

How is it that professors and students have becomed so dumbed down that even obvious truths seem to allude them? It is as simple as the nose on anyone’s face, secondary education does not make anyone smarter. I know high school drop outs who have a better grip on economics than many professors that hold masters and doctorates.

So what does college actually do for the student if it doesn’t make them any smarter? Given the juvenile attitudes and opinions of many college students today these institutions of higher learning seen to be little more than elaborate day care centers. We have come to believe that an 18 year old man or woman is still a child and we see this in the Affordable Care Act that seems to consider people children until they surpass the age of 26. It wasn’t that long ago when societies believed that pubic hair and menstruation were the signs of adulthood and in comparison we seem to be encouraging a psychological illness known as arrested development.

The truth about college is that what it teaches is largely memorization and practicing certain rather fundamental skills and a college degree regardless of the level of that degree has become little more than a piece of paper that confirms that the student has memorized a certain level of information at best and at worst has learned to game the system. What college does not do is teach critical thinking skills. If you want to learn that you’d be better off learning the game of Chess and playing it often.

Colleges and Universities in America have become what our primary public school systems have become which is literally socialist/communist indoctrination centers. Our little Snowflakes are learning to embrace not reject the seven deadly sins and to blame others for their own shortcomings while your tax dollars are used to encourage this abomination. They are learning to feel entitled instead of driven towards their own success and given the tools to make that happen.

In today’s secondary education environment I would have serious reservations about encouraging any child of mine to go to college. They would be much better off learning a trade like plumbing or HVAC than signing up for what passes as an education these days. In fact just about any cheesy trade school would provide a much sounder foundation than wasting several years of ones life being indoctrinated into believing that historically failed economic and social constructs are something new or superior than what made America a once great nation. Colleges and universities waste students valuable time on subjects that have nothing to do with preparing them for the economic realities of graduation and at least a trade school gets right to the point and does so quickly and efficiently enough to get a driven persons foot in the door.

Before sending your young adult off for several years of extended childhood, sexual experimentation, spring break debauchery, and a lifetime of debt it might be a better idea to send them to night classes at your local middle school or high school where they can learn the basics of things like accounting in just a few short weeks and at a very low cost which will serve them so much better than “women’s studies” or any of the other silly requirements that will serve your prodigy in no valuable way when they are off on their own. Better yet encourage them to get involved in telemarketing for a few years first so they can learn how to correctly judge the people and situations around them because no one can make a living in sales believing the PC crap now being taught in America’s secondary schools of (cough) learning.
