Why Women Cheat

Recent studies have shown that just over 50% of American women who are in a relationship, betray their partner and cheat on them. Personally I believe the number is much higher. The reason I believe that the number is much higher is because this research was based on questionnaires which means that the responder would have not only have to be honest with perfect strangers, but also herself. If she can justify it, it’s not really cheating. Women have an uncanny ability to convince themselves of almost anything. In that regard I rather envy them. I’d like to imagine myself being a 10 or a prince.

Wasn’t that long ago when a woman who behaved like that would be run outta town.

But why do women cheat? Oh we can blame feminism and the free love movement but who do you think was pushing for those things? The truth is, that image we all have of the girl next door or our own mothers is just about as far from the truth as one can get. Women haven’t changed.

I promise you this, no one is more obsessed about boobs than women. Bub they think about boobs much more than you ever will. Why do they wear war paint, elevator shoes (even though they complain about how painful they are) and pushup bras? Obviously women add these and others enhancements for one reason, to attract men. When they have a man do they put those things away? Well ok the ones who balloon out once they have a man might. Some women spend hours “putting on their face.” All to attract men. They aren’t doing this simply to make friends they wanna fuck.

Yes boys I hate to break this to you but women want sex every bit as much as you do and maybe a bit more. So why are you only getting it once or twice a week? Because she’s already had sex with you so there isn’t likely going to be any surprises.

Women survive for attention and since guys will date/screw down she can have sex with a man who is totally out of her league and she wants sex. She wants excitement, validation and the kinda of dirty nasty sex she would never let a real boyfriend, husband or lez friend ever know she was into or at least willing to participate in. First because she doesn’t want it that way all the time and second because, though she might be a slut, she doesn’t want anyone to think she’s a slut. Cheating is far easier for a woman than a man especially modern women who are often bisexual or have bisexual tendencies. The world is like a candy store of sex for women. It takes a woman with incredible self control and self worth not to occasionally give into instantaneous desire and passion and some women don’t even try to resist. If they work around men it is likely sooner or later they will cheat.

You ask any Chad or Tyrone how hard it is to get with a woman that is in a relationship and they will just laugh at you. These men took the time to understand women. They probably don’t like them but they do understand them and they know exactly what it takes to go home with a new one every night and they know women in bars who are in a relationship are the easiest score in the bar … or the mall or just about anywhere people gather. Sometimes right in front of her significant other. Oh yeah they both had to go to the bathroom or something at the same time or maybe she wanted to show him something in that back room you’re sick of hearing about. Women are sly when they want some strange D. Girls night out anyone?

Now I’m not saying all women are like this but the vast majority certainly are.

The 2 most common sexual dreams women have are sex with multiple men (people) and being part of a harem. So women have this kind of latent fantasies and the world is their sex candy store. Can we really blame them for being sluts? Wouldn’t you be a slut if you were born a woman and had dreams of being gangbanged?

So what is to be done about it? Nothing really. We lost control of them when we gave them the vote and there’s no going back. They will be sluts. You have to know that going in and for some of you I know that’s ok as long as she is a little slutty with you sometimes. For the rest of us? Play the field but for Gods sake always wear a condom you brought to the game and make sure when you’re done with it you dispose of it yourself. A lot of these sluts want your wallet not just your D.

A Glitch in the Matrix

The other night I was watching a retro soap opera made in the 60’s that totally freaked me and my lady out. If you recognize the character above you’ve already figured out that the show in question was Dark Shadows the oddest soap opera ever made which coincidently was the first soap opera to air an episode in “living color”.

So there we were laying in the big bed loving on our Husky while watching Season 11 episode 14 (you can watch on TUBI for free) when at around the 18 minute mark Victoria Winters tells Dr. Julia Hoffman that she has tried to contact Roger Collins but “he must have turned his cell phone off.” I immediately paused the program and in a very excited voice asked Linda “did you fucking hear that?” Of course she had and we both acted like we had just found a leprechaun who would lead us to a pot of gold.

To put this into the proper perspective the episode in question was filmed during the late 1960’s. Victoria’s line had 2 problems the first one was that cell phones hadn’t been invented yet and the second one is that the phones that were available at the time couldn’t be “turned off” you either had to unplug it or leave the receiver off the phone long enough to be disconnected by the phone service. Given that Roger Collins was the C.E.O. of a large shipping company and ship building firm that his sister owned it doesn’t make much sense that he would disconnect his phone in the story line either (admittedly a minor point).

This really freaked us out so we had to watch the segment a couple of more times just to make sure we didn’t have a gas leak in the house that was making us crazy or something. Once we confirmed that we hadn’t lost out minds we just sat there trying to figure out what had just happened. After a few minutes of saying “holy shit” several times I realized we had to document this so Linda grabbed her cell phone and recorded the segment which you can view here:


The story doesn’t end with recording the segment though. After 3 or 4 attempts to capture a good copy of the segment it changed. The line Victoria said went from “cell phone” to “telephone” as if someone running “the matrix” caught the error and “fixed” it. Perhaps Linda’s cell phone triggered the repair? I honestly don’t know what freaked me out more the original line or the “fix” but it was unbelievable to say the least. Thank goodness we got a copy of the original which hopefully will remain in tact.

I couldn’t sleep the rest of the night (Linda dozed off about a 1/2 hour later) so I went downstairs to our computer room and went to work. On YouTube I looked up “glitch in the matrix” and was shocked by how many videos there were showing examples of things that had no right to exist in the universe I knew. One consistent example was people finding human teeth in places teeth shouldn’t have been found and of course things just popping up in videos seemingly out of nowhere but what really got to me were the comment sections of these videos of people who shared their personal experiences with “glitches” which were in the hundreds. Dam I hate going down rabbit holes and the last time I did I had nightmares for months over it but I have a curious mind that simply won’t let some things go and was up all night watching videos and reading comments and the only conclusion I could come up with so far is that these glitches are pretty common place. Well it was fucking new to me!

What does this say about our world and the universe we live in? The renown physicist Steven Hawking believed we live in a simulation before he left for the great unknown and when I first heard that a few years ago I thought he was nuts but now I’m not so sure. Apparently he isn’t the only scientist who believes this and even Elon Musk, arguably one of the smartest people in the world also believes this.

I’m not done with this. This fucked up brain I have won’t let me end it here so it’s back down the rabbit hole for me like it or not. There is a lot of science related to this that I have yet to fully understand (math wasn’t my strongest subject in college) but I will keep at it until I do and like the last time I went down the rabbit hole I know doing so will change me forever but so it goes. Even now I’m having a difficult time registering all this in my head.

Do you have any “glitch in the matrix” experiences you could share? I’d love to hear them.

Hail To The Simps & Betas

Ya gotta love simps and beta males. So nice of them to try to pick up the pieces of what some of the rest of us left behind. It’s sad to watch them sometimes. They look sad. And it’s like they wear their whole miserable life on their faces. He’s not getting any sex and the kids, especially the boys hate him. But he still hopes that if he sticks in there long enough paying for all that she’ll finally open up to him and be everything he wants in a woman … and she promises to stop fucking the contractors when they do work on the house. You wouldn’t be so insecure that having your wife getting run through by Joe and Jim Blow would bother you would you? Of course you’re not. So you take it. She is so far out of your league you’ll put up with just about anything won’t you?

And who knows maybe you’re right. Maybe at some point her looks will fade enough that she won’t be able to screw contactors so easily. Maybe the kids will move out eventually. Maybe you’ll even get sex once in a while (no you won’t be getting head let’s not talk crazy talk here).

But probably not.

And still millions of men take the path of the simp and/or beta male. Trapped in a loveless marriage paying for the mistakes of others. Man that takes some real grit. Doing so for no rewards? Your generosity knows no bounds. It’s time that the Sigmas and Alphas stopped makin fun of these guys. They are better men than we are. They just aren’t getting as much pussy as we are.

Any Man Can Be A Chad/Tyrone

Over the last couple of years I’ve been watching a lot of MGTOW (men going their own way) videos and the conclusion I have come to watching these videos is that the guys who make them are mostly (if not all) simps and beta males. Why did I come to that conclusion? Well because they haven’t a clue what they are talking about. To listen to them say it a Chad or Tyrone is over 6′ high, has six pack abs, and makes north of $100K a year. Nothing could be further from the truth. What these guys have is game and not only is game easy but you too can become a Chad or Tyrone and I’m going to show you how.

First let my introduce myself. I’m 5’8″, I never had six pack abs, and never made anywhere near $100K a year. Still I’ve “had” more women than 99% of you ever had and never had one that was less than a 7. Additionally some of the women I’m been with were so stunningly beautiful that I dumped them because I couldn’t go anywhere with them without guys and even gals fawning all over them. It was a real pain in the ass and I’m sure 2 or 3 of you know exactly what I mean. I’ve never touched a fat or chubby girl because frankly they don’t do anything for me except make my Johnson shrivel up like I was swimming in ice water.

Chads and Tyrones are not born that way they are made by trifling women. Most of us started out just like you looking for someone to love who loved you. Wanting to have kids and build a life with someone who wanted these things too. The simple fact is those kinds of women no longer exist. See a man will pretty much do a hole in a tree stump so even a 4 will be lusted after by the simps and betas of the world. It doesn’t take long for a woman to start thinking that the world revolves around her and she can do and get anything she wants will little or no effort. Feminism has taught women that they don’t need men when in fact they desperately do. First lesson: never believe a word that comes out of her piehole.

When you realize that the old world of responsible marriage minded women has disappeared it is a lot easier to begin your journey of become a Chad/Tyrone. Modern women want to use you for whatever you can provide for them and the only thing they have to offer is sex and the longer you stay with them the less sex they are going to provide you with. Even worse when they get around to leaving you they will take most of what you have and often what you might have in the future with them. So why would you want to put yourself through that? Especially when what you want is sex … and they are willing to give it away for nothing. If you want love rescue a dog or cat. There are plenty you can get for free mostly from women who want a cute pet but are too lazy to care for them. Pets will love you far more than a woman ever will.

So how do you get your head right? The first step is seeing what a woman really is. Look at their boobs. They are literally udders that produce food. Though they might look awesome when women are very young in no time at all they sag, are covered in stretch marks and look like popped balloons. Sure they look good in a bra but take that bra off and the disappointment begins. They are usually 2 different sizes with nipples pointing in different directions (unlike the women you see watching porn). The only difference between them and a cow is that there are only 2 of them.

Now let’s look at that patch between their legs. Once again it might look pretty tasty to you when they are young but before you know it it looks like roast beef curtains hanging between their legs like meat in a butchers shop and instead of you wanting to eat it, it looks like it wants to eat you. Even worse they are smoldering caldrons of anything from yeast infections (a very common ailment among women) and STDs. For the love of God if you’re going to put your Johnson in one wear a condom. If you lube your Johnson before putting it on and the condom once you wear it you shouldn’t be able to feel it. Don’t use a condom she offers you and make sure you flush it immediately or you might end up living in a cardboard box for the next 18+ years.

Almost all women get fat and lazy once they hit the wall or get married with cottage cheese thighs, double chins and arm flaps. She isn’t wearing war paint, heels and a corset because she naturally looks good. If she takes it in the back door you’re following at least 20 other guys who have marked her with their DNA so stay out of there unless the smell of poop, Vaseline and shame turns you on. The BJs will end not long after they think they have trapped you in their web.

Now that we have our heads straight let’s talk about how to get more muff than you ever thought possible.

Never listen to what women say they want. They are miserable creatures who are cursed with never being able to be happy no matter what you do so any attempt to make them happy is a complete waste of your time. Your time is as valuable as your fortune so don’t waste it uselessly. You’re in this for the nookie not the torture.

The first step is to stay away from women for a year. Don’t buy them drinks don’t take them out for a date. Treat them like you would any man you don’t know. While you’re doing that watch other guys swoon all over them desperate for a drop of attention from women and you’ll soon see why you keep failing. If you want to be like them get in line and wait your turn assuming your turn ever comes. It is a pretty long line of simps and betas.

Women love scoundrels. Like Hans Solo. They want these guys because women instinctively want everything that seems out of their reach and that should be you. Women love cowboys so get yourself a pair of high quality cowboy boots. Wearing them will help you develop swagger when the heels start to wear plus you’ll gain about 2 1/2 inches in height. No matter how short or how tall you are a couple of extra inches doesn’t hurt and don’t be a cop out get the pointy kind because you don’t give a rats ass what other people think.

Buy a decent watch. It doesn’t have to be a Rolex there are plenty of watches around around the $300 to $1000 dollar mark that look awesome. Go for the classic conservative kind. Yes I know your cell phone tells time but get a watch anyway. One with an exotic Italian or Swedish name that is heavy. This tells others that your time is very valuable. Look at your watch every once in a while too. If it’s cold out wear a blazer over your jeans and collared shirt (flannel is just fine). You can get a decent blazer cheap from a second hand store. A man in a suit has the same effect on women as that little black dress has on you and wearing a blazer is close enough.

When you speak to women look at them directly in the eyes even if you’re just trying to blow her off. They will melt right in from of you. Get into that habit and remember no matter how much you think they are ignoring you woman are watching especially if you’re taking to another woman and they are looking for clues from the woman you’re taking to. Never ever look at a womans boobs. No one is more obsessed about boobs than women are and the less you look at them the more women want to find out why.

Being fit is good but you don’t need to go to the gym for that. Besides gyms have become dangerous places for men lately with women looking for any excuse to make themselves a victim. Buy a bicycle it is a good way to get fit and it is a lot less stressful on your joints (you’ll thank me for that advice when you hit 50 and all the workout bros are whining about their knees). Lots of women like guys with a bit of a belly so don’t let that discourage you. Oh and jack off before you go out to the bar it increases your pheromones which naturally attract women. If you must smell like a French whore house wear the original Old Spice but never tell them what you wear. If they ask you tell them to guess and just go along with whatever sounds expensive. Trust me it works like a charm.

After you’ve done all that remember this thing. It isn’t what you bring to the table … you are the table and they desperately want sex and someone they can loot financially. Yes it’s a game and you can either walk away the winner or be the loser.

The Ugly Truth About West Virginia

So it has been almost a year and a half since I moved from South Florida to West Virginia. It’s a beautiful state. Mountains, forests, wild animals everywhere. In many ways it is a wonderful place to visit. But much like South Florida is a wonderful place to visit you probably wouldn’t want to live here. Why? It is the people.

West Virginia is know for having very friendly people and on the surface that is true but it is only a facade. There is a few falsehoods about this state that you should be aware of before you consider moving here so let’s get right to it.

First of all West Virginia is not the conservative state you might think it is. Yes they vote Republican in national elections but they are more RINOs than Mitch McConnel. The reason they vote Republican is because of how Democrats have treated them but at their core they are deeply liberal. More churches than you have ever seen in your life but most of those churches are falling apart, being repurposed as homes and businesses, run by women (ignoring scripture) or LGBT. In fact LGBT has a very strong presence that you wouldn’t expect in such a rural state. For example the only bar I could find in the city of Parkersburg that served anything stronger than beer and was open past 11pm was a lesbian bar. There is no shortage of women with Crayola colored hair and young men in skinny jeans. These were the last things I expected in a state known for moonshine.

Everyone here is packing heat even the women. A story I heard in my neighborhood went like this. There was an elderly man who as ill and his neighbors were blasting music at all hours. He tried to ask them to turn it down a bit so he could get some sleep but they laughed at him instead. This went on for quite some time until one day he had enough and he went over to that neighbor and shot and killed one of them and when another neighbor from a different house went outside to see what was going on he shot and killed that neighbor too. Recently in Ohio (just across the river) a man was arrested for beheading his own father. Ohio isn’t much different from West Virginia being neighbors and all and people go back and forth to work and play all the time.

If you’re not bringing your job with you forget about getting hired anywhere here. There is a real clannish atmosphere here and even though there are a plethora of available jobs here they simply won’t hire you if you’re from another state … even at the dollar store. People here are also incredibly lazy when it comes to work. Forget about getting them to work more than 40 hours a week you’d think doing so was going to kill them. Most seem to have gotten addicted to welfare after the Democrats destroyed the coal mining and steel industries here and a lot of people work under the table making and fixing things to resell. West Virginia taxes just about everything to the point where the city actually had a surplus of money this year. Who knows what they are going to do with that money but you can bet nobody is getting a refund.

But back to the people for a moment. Yes West Virginians are extremely cordial but that is just on the surface. I’ve seen several people on my street purposely trying to hit deer with their truck and poaching even within the city limits happens regularly. I guess they are just too dam cheap to get a license and go for a 20 minute drive to hunt legally. The deer around here are scared out of their minds and even though they know me because I feed them during the winter months the older deer are still unusually afraid. Honestly I have never seen deer behave this way. If you think I’m kidding go on YouTube and see for yourself how friendly deer can be. I had to stop feeding them because I’m afraid people are going to purposely run them over with their trucks.

The neighbors act all nice but I’ve found that all they really do is talk shit about each other. At first I was a source of entertainment for them but I’ve learned to keep my distance. Everyone around here keeps their shades closed all the time even during the day. There’s a lot of stealing going on around here and not by just the fentanyl junkies that wander the streets screaming at some unknown demon. If you see someone on a bicycle with a backpack odds are they are one of these junkies so everyone with a bicycle and a backpack is suspect.

Speaking of junkies West Virginia takes an enablers view of these people. Regardless of how unsafe they make people feel or their tendency of stealing from hard working people these people rarely spend any time in jail to help them sober up and re-access their lives. Instead the courts send them to so called halfway houses where you can get your fix a block away. There are so many of these junkies in the capital that they ship them to other cities to deal with them. There are no safe spaces in WV from these degenerates.

I don’t know if it’s inbreeding or run off from Dupont but I’ve seen an usually high amount of people who look like they have downs syndrome. I’ve also never seen so many obese women in one place in my entire life. My neighbor has to be at least 300lbs and the deserts she makes made my teeth hurt and although she suffers from diabetes and knee and circulatory issues because of her weight, when I mentioned that her sweets were a bit too sweet (she claimed to be trying to lose weight) she acted like the mere thought of putting a little less sugar in her cupcakes was too much of a burden for her. McDonalds is a daily meal which she has with her mother at the hospital who has dementia. She is literally killing herself but doesn’t care. Oddly enough I read an article that claimed 1/3 of West Virginians are on disability. If you saw what these people eat it wouldn’t surprise you at all. Good luck finding something that isn’t fried.

Forget about medical care here. The previous owner of my home died after she got an infection in her mouth from a dental visit. She had 2 young sons. I live in the 3rd largest city in the state and I have to drive for an hour to the capital to find an animal hospital if I have a pet emergency even though just about everyone around here has pets. Honestly after some of the stories I’ve heard around here I’d be afraid to seek medical treatment here.

West Virginia desperately needs new blood. There are stunning old homes that are falling apart and being destroyed on a regular basis that are historically important to the nation but these people don’t want outsiders here. They would rather see these historical buildings turn to dust. Oh sure they welcome you with open arms if you’re going to spend money here and leave but they really don’t want you to stay. Economically speaking these people are fucking morons. When I first came here I met some people in Vienna that were from Florida and had a beautiful home but couldn’t wait to sell their home and move back to Florida. At the time I couldn’t understand why but now I get it.

Do I regret moving here?

I stopped writing for several minutes contemplating that question. I don’t have a mortgage, I don’t pay HOA or POA fees. I’m no longer kicking out 11k+ in home insurance a year nor do I have a mortgage (paid cash). But I must say it is very lonely here. I guess the jury is still out on that one but if I had to do it again maybe not. Regardless I have to make the best out of the situation I can. That said I would caution people who are considering moving here. There is a lot to like about this state but there is just as many things to dislike. Keep that in mind before choosing to live here and don’t get sucked in by what you see on the surface.

Why Men Aren’t Approaching Women Anymore

I’ve watched hundreds of YouTube videos from men and women alike and I’ve heard more reasons for heterosexual noncoupling that I can shake a stick at. Compiled, the list would puts Santas naughty and nice list to shame. I guess in an age of doubt about what is and what is not a woman, we have also lost our grip on reality about men.

I hate to break it to you but men just aren’t that complicated. At least most of us aren’t. We aren’t the ones rushing off to therapy at the drop of any hat. We deal with our problems because we really don’t have much choice in the matter. There’s no one for us to blame.

So why are men really not approaching women? It boils down to the end game. Why would a man approach a woman in the first place? “A momnent” (fancy new term meaning one night stand) or a LTR (long term relationship). Are either one of these things appealing to the modern man?

One night stands are pretty easy really. There’s a few different techniques you can use to highly increase your odds but if you’re just looking to bang one out there is no shortage of girls with daddy issues, bar flies and party girls and if you work on your game a little and behave like a scoundrel getting “a moment” shouldn’t be all that much of a challenge. Which of course makes the effort worthless and it’s going to cost you in drinks just to hang out. Let’s go out to the bar and find ourselves some skanks fellas. I mean my God have you heard the body counts of these “ladies” on YouTube? Big incentive to pour Clorox over your twig and berries after “the moment” is over. Who could blame men for staying home, saving money, and playing video games … or wacking off to free porn online while avoiding perhaps life changing STDs.

Do men want long term relationships? Probably. I think perhaps most men do. But not the ones women go after. Women want a scoundrel and they will do incredibly stupid things for a scoundrel. The problem is scoundrels understand women and often treat them with little regard for anything more than “a moment” unless she can be useful in some way like cash wise. How many stories have you heard about some guy draining some dingbats bank account before disappearing? Do it to them before they do it to you brother. Besides the money probably came from some simp or ex husband that didn’t quite do it for her so she cashed out with most of what he earned. World goes round in a circle.

Simply stated there is nothing in long term relationships for men anymore. Chads and Tyrones aren’t interested in LTRs and the other guys have a lot of history to look back on and the one reoccurring scenario that they have been exposed to is that men get screwed royally in divorce and statistically the chances of a successful marriage is a coin toss with the women filing for divorce almost 80% of the time. Where’s the incentive to get married? In many states just living with a woman can entitle her to half your stuff and your rental. Where’s the incentive for having even a live in girlfriend?

But men are lonely! Maybe or maybe not. Most men don’t require as much attention as most women do so who do you think is better suited to handle episodes of loneliness?

In the end there simply isn’t enough incentives to hook up with women and plenty of incentives not to.

It’s as simple as that.

Lifelong Monogamy is Over

There has been a lot of noise lately about the institution of marriage and whether it still has a place in the victim utopia we have created for ourselves. Businesses that cater to formal marriages are showing a marked decline in business with a couple of large bridal firms going belly up. Given that many Americans spent more than a year at home you might expect the exact opposite with couples spending more time together without distractions. You also might expect some sort of baby boom but neither happened.

As an institution marriage has been losing ground for decades and allowing gays the same benefits through marriage as normal people was pretty much the death rattle for marriage. How “special” is marriage if anyone can do it? Women were marrying themselves. Men were marrying their cars. The importance of marriage has dropped to near rock bottom.

But it is not just the inconsequence of marriage itself that has caused a decline in marriage in the end and what actually may be the core reason, is that men and women just don’t like each other all that much anymore. Oh sure we’ll get between the sheets and do disgusting things to each other but when the act is over it’s “see ya laters”.

Look I’ll be the first one to admit that in general I don’t particularly enjoy the company of women. Frankly they never talk about things I want to listen to. If they are not mine then I don’t owe them any attention. I’ve gone out of my way in life to chose work that didn’t involve women unless they were secretaries or something and then every time I’d …. well you know. Like shooting ducks in a barrel.

What’s abuzz on the internet these days is that women, pretty women even, aren’t getting asked out on dates. Women seem to be quite verklempt about it too. But what did they really expect?

Women spent decades trying to turn themselves into men or in other words into something men don’t want. As if that wasn’t enough, while learning how to walk like ducks and lowering their voices they blamed men for every slight real or imagined. It steadily got worse until men became unsafe in the company of women for various legal and social reasons.

The more women despised men for whatever it was they were blaming men for at the moment the more they began to view men as things. Things that were there to provide the life they somehow imagined they “deserved” for what no one knows what. A girl who works at McDonalds can get half of a millionaires fortune and that too has been going on for generations. Enough generations that the sons and grandsons and even great grandsons of men who were taken to the cleaners by a reptile in a skirt, have learned a valuable lesson without having to learn it first hand.

The average American woman is obese, lazy, mouthy, sneaky, narcissistic and just plain annoying to be around.

But men have options. Prostitution is legal just about everywhere under the much more palatable job description “escort.” Yeah she’s just going along as company for $500. Or did you get the hourly rate? There is also free internet porn which is anything from mild to a couple of nymphos and a disgusting cup to a Mexican donkey show. There’s also video games to keep more of a guys money in his pocket while actually enjoying the apartment he’s paying for. If he’s still at home all the better if he’s saving his money to buy a house in cash. My in laws did that and the kid is now in his early 30’s with a very nice paid for house and a good job. He’s not looking for a wife.

If marriage as an institution is to survive it is going to need outside help. More passport bros and illegals for the women. Maybe under some 3rd world mentality males Western Women can be happy again.

Trolls Kill the Internet

I’ve been on the internet longer than some of you have been alive. In the beginning it was glorious and easy to get addicted to. It was the last wild frontier or at least the last one in anyone’s lifetime who is alive today. Time will tell if space ever becomes the final frontier.

Just about everything was free in the beginning. If you wanted to do a background check on someone … free. If you wanted to research any topic … free. If you wanted to find something on YouTube … easy. For a while FaceBook wasn’t censorship hell. Now it costs money to do just about anything online and everyone’s got their handout.. There’s only a couple of social platforms left that I know of (I’ve used several) that are relatively censorship free and of course if you want any exposure you’ll pay for that too.

It seems that some form of censorship should always be expected on a social network unless you want to see straight up porn on every platform because that is exactly what would happen without it. Sadly the world is full of perverts whose entire lives revolve around sex. Hey sex is great but so is ice-cream and if I eat too much ice-cream I’m gonna die … much sooner than later. Besides driving an ice-cream truck to satisfy my obsession doesn’t pay shit.

But one has to wonder how we went from censoring porn to censoring based on rather arbitrary concepts like hurt feelings (opinion and news is more of a governmental issue I will address another time).

On my very first day on the internet I met the biggest threat to freedom of expression the world has ever known the internet troll. Some people have some pretty strange fetishes and trolls are one of them. Internet Trolls get off on hurting other peoples feelings. I have to admit in the beginning I too was a subject of their scorn for the human race. Because of them I learned indifference (which came in very handy later in life) and became very talented at doing mental gymnastics with these simpleminded basement dwellers. Personally I find the troll fetish to be rather sickening and pathetic but if you’re going to step into an arena you’ve gotta put up a fight and I’ve never been a whiner.

As the internet grew things calmed down on their own with new non nerdish people coming onboard and eventually everyone who had access to the internet was on the internet and the frontier days came to an end. It has been sad to see it go for the slayers of trolls to be honest.

However, trolls still hide under the bridges of our internet stream and many of them just puke nasty nonsensical things that really no one but perhaps junior trolls want to see. If you want to see what exactly I’m talking about visit BitChut.com which is a video streaming service similar to YouTube but censorship free, and read some of the comment sections on political and controversial videos.

Now to be fair I’m not talking about political discourse here. You should be able to express your belief mostly as you see fit. By mostly I mean like you would in a public setting not in a ghetto. You should be able to call someone stupid or retarded but there is a line that isn’t quite so vague and most rational people know instinctively where that line is without having it explained to them. Most people anyway.

But some people don’t or more likely just don’t care. These are trolls. There’s a lot of them. Trolling politics isn’t their only venue they troll anyone they can. They have to be delt with so must of us can enjoy the net without constantly having to deal with them. We wouldn’t want to chase people away from the net would we.

Trolls create whiners and whiners create problems. The more people get trolled the more people whine and we all know the story about the squeaky hinge. As one might expect when people whine enough corporations tend to overreact. Couple that with the victim mentality of first world countries and you get what you get.

We can fight back against political censorship but what do we do about trolls without censoring non-trolls? That’s the dilemma and I couldn’t even guess what the answer to that question is.

Year One in West Virginia

It’s about 5:30 am here in West Virginia. I put the title up and the photo and then went out on the deck and had a smoke. There are a couple of white-tail deer about 50 yards from where I’m standing lying down under a pine tree. There aren’t as many pine trees in West Virginia as there were in the Adirondack mountains where I grew up. The vast majority of trees here are leaf bearing (mostly oak and sugar maple) which gets pretty spectacular in these parts this time of year. Wouldn’t you know we had to be here during the once every 7 year cicada convention. Because of that it has been very noisy here in B.F.E. all summer long and this morning is no exception.

One really cool thing about West Virginia is that there is always something going on at least in my neck of the woods. Mountaineers love their parades and festivals and there is usually one or the another going on every weekend. So far we’ve been to the Parkersburg Home Coming Parade and the Honey Festival where my Siberian Husky licked the snout of an alpaca . They had a pretty nice vintage car show for the Honey Fest. They sure like their car shows in WV.

Most of this year we have spent working on the house. Our house comes with a great story worth hearing. The original house was built just prior to the Civil War but due to a fire in the basement it burned down. The house was listed as a “farm house” but is a bit large for a farm house (2,600 square feet) and with the original 4 pillars that go up to the 2nd floor and the second floor balcony it resembles a plantation house more than any farmhouse I’ve even seen.

The original owner had a daughter who was heartbroken about losing the house so she made her daddy promise to rebuild the home when he returned from the war. In 1890 the rebuild was complete utilizing the original stone foundation. The street that runs along the side of the house is named after the Union Soldier that rebuilt it.

After a bit of electrical, gas and plumbing work we spent the summer clearing the more than 1/2 acre of land. That doesn’t sound like a lot of work but the home had been abandoned for a year and the last 2 owners had been women who liked trees and flowers to the extreme. I bet we have more flowers than any place else in town. I gave a lot of them away. The tree thing was the biggest expense (about $20K) and it took a week and a large construction cherry picker to cut down the pin oak that was looming over the entire house. I got rid of most of the wood giving it away on FB Marketplace but I have several months worth of wood chipping and bonfires before the last of the tress are gone.

One of the first things I bought when we bought the house was a used John Deere riding mower. It wasn’t one of the ones you can buy at Lowes it was a beast. I figured I’d get a good deal buying off season and the owner drove it an hour to get it to my house. All winter long I’d go out to the garage once a month to crank it up and every time it started right up. Come springtime I couldn’t wait to start mowing the lawn on the beast and it was awesome. Being a larger Deere it was very stable and as my home is on top of a hill that was very important. Mowed the yard, parked it in the barn and it never mowed again. To make a long story short the seller loosened up the tractors frozen motor just to get rid of it and I was the sucker who got taken. So I bought a POS little riding tractor for the summer for $400 and held on for dear life mowing the front yard. The other day I bought a Bush Hog zero turn mower and am once again a very happy man.

Though we really haven’t left the house much we did meet a couple when we were giving away wood so we have friends year one in (besides the neighbors several of whom we are friends with). They have a sweet property with 6 acres in farm country. I love visiting them and listening to the cows mooing when it gets close to their dinner time. The guy part of the couple shot a deer with his crossbow without ever having to leave his land.

We bought our house cheap in part because there were a couple of issues that scared buyers away. Of course the trees were a huge issue but there was an abandoned house across from our backyard and some homeless junkies living in the woods across the street. Believe it or not both problems got solved. First the junkies were cooking meth in the woods and got the mix wrong sending billowing black smoke from their little campsite. They all got some nice new silver bracelets and a new place to live with 3 squares a day. Then someone bought the abandoned house and dragged the abandon car away, cleaned up the yard, and painted the exterior and installed new gutters. I’m pretty sure that my home jumped at least 25K – 50K in value with just those 2 issues solved.

So how do we feel a year here after escaping South Florida?

First of all we love the weather. It is a brisk 64 degrees outside currently and at night the temperature will dip into the 40’s over the next several days at least. Not cold enough to bother with the heater but enough to enjoy a cold night and a comforter on the bed. So much better than the seasonless 88 degrees with heart stopping humidity we would be tortured by if we were still in South Florida.

The people here are generally pretty friendly and always polite.

West Virginia is every bit as wild and wonderful as their license plates claim it is. I love country life and I’ve always believed that living the country life is living the best life possible. So yes I’d do it again in a heartbeat but maybe 20 years earlier.

Would I encourage you to move here? Probably not. If you want to live in West Virginia you have to have skills. You have to be pretty good at doing things like engine repair, carpentry, plumbing etc because you’ll play hell finding good craftsman mostly because most in WV folks do this kind of work themselves or has a friend who has a friend. There are also major issues in the areas of health care and pet care. If I have an emergency with my dog I have to drive an hour to Charleston (the state capital) to get emergency pet services. VW has one of the highest rates of preventable deaths in the nation. Oh well nobody lives forever and it isn’t the length of life but the living of it that means the most to me and ending my evil reign on this planet in the country will be a huge improvement over getting a bunch of tubes stuck in me while I waste away in a hospital bed until my insurance maxes out.

The thing is after living here a year it feels like I’ve always lived here. We must fit in pretty well too because most people assume we are locals and when I tell them I moved here a year ago from Florida they look at me like I’m from outer space and they may not believe me. When I was looking for a new place to live West Virginia looked liked the best fit for us. After a year, it fits like a glove.