Celebrities Give Away Their Fortunes to BLM



Breaking: Hollywood

In an unprecedented turn of events Hollywood seems to have indicated that they are ready to put their money where their mouths are. Over the last 24 hours over 50 Hollywood celebrities have surrendered their entire fortunes to the BLM movement group as reparations for slavery. According to a Hollywood insider this is just the beginning.

“This is just the first wave,” said the insider on condition of anonymity. “Phones have been blowing up all over Hollywood about this new trend and there seems to be a consensus building among Hollywood elites to “take responsibility” for oppressing Blacks,” said the insider. There is expected to be a run on the banks in California on Monday morning as Hollywood elites rush to the banks to liquidate all their assets to surrender to BLM.

Former President Barrack Obama was elated at the news. “As you know I spent a lot of time with Hollywood celebrities during my presidency showing them the error of America’s ways but I never thought in my wildest dreams that they would ever take such a bold move as this,” said the former president.

According to the grapevine, this idea of rich entertainers surrendering their fortunes to BLM, has spread into other entertainment based areas of the economy. Sports, music, and even the pornography industry workers are pledging their entire fortunes to the BLM cause. Sharon Cox a porn starlet specializing in interracial hardcore BDSM porn stated, “Of course I’m giving all my money to Blacks I’ve given them everything else.” Fifty Cent even gave his last 50 cents claiming talent privilege.

In an interview with Bill Gates at the Seattle airport, a crack reporter from The Trump News Network was shocked that Gates knew nothing about this growing trend. When asked about his reaction to Hollywood elitists surrendering their entire fortunes to the BLM movement Gates replied, “What the fuck are you talking about? Are you out of your fucking mind? Who told you that bullshit!” At which point he was quickly lead off by his heavily armed security detail.

Sadly all the jubilation surrounding the volunteered reparations being paid out by Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry failed to address the real human tragedy of homeless Hollywood actors projected to be in the hundreds and thousands once all their assets are completely liquidated. One of the first people to surrender their fortunes was actor Robert Di Nero who was seen late Saturday night roaming the streets of L.A. clutching a blanket.

Between what corporations have pledged and the fortunes of most if not all of the entertainment industry BLM is projected to acquire an incredible fortune. Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement said in an interview on CNN that, “We gonna have so much money we’re just gonna buy America outright and throw all the Honkeys into the ocean.”

After Saturdays re-election rally President Trump was asked about this trend. His only response was to laugh as he made his way to the presidential limo.





How Stupid Are Black People?



If you think Aunt Jemima’s extinction is due to a handful of Black radicals you might just be living in your own self imposed bubble. BLM (Burn Loot Murder) is supported by Blacks across the board. Enough Blacks support BLM that this movement of hate and violence has spread everywhere there isn’t a Black minority or majority. The amount of funding this terrorist organization is bringing in recently is obscene with corporations bending over backwards to appease this psychosis. So yes it would be relatively safe to say that the majority of Blacks across the planet are supporting the burning the looting and the murdering as BLM financial supporters sense a consensus among Blacks to support the movement.

Clearly Blacks are poor Chess players. The most effective way of increasing your critical thinking skills is through the game of Chess. Chess is a game that is won by thinking of as many possible outcomes as possible throughout the game with each move of the pieces on the board. The further ahead you can think the more likely you are to win. Blacks don’t seem to be very good at the type of critical thinking that would help them realize that burning, looting and murdering and being associated to these things by supporting an organization that promotes such, can’t possibly turn out well for them.

If you are White and in charge of hiring people, what are the odds of you hiring a Black man after watching what has been going on around the world for the last few weeks? If you’re a manager how likely are you to promote a Black man after what you’re seen over the last few weeks? If you’re White and especially if you’re a White woman, what are the chances of you crossing the street if you see Blacks coming towards you? If you’re White what are the chances of you actually voting for anything pro Black now? At the very least, do you think it is possible that Whites just might not want to hang out with Blacks as much socially after watching this mess about foot kissing and whatnot?

Things are going to appear to get better for Blacks to continue to ride out the narrative but inevitably things are going to get worse. On main street where people need opportunities to succeed, some of these opportunities will dry up. Perhaps these same people who are currently being victimized by BLM are going to want much lower taxes especially in the area of social services.

But this is what the leftists around the world want. Democrats, Antifa, BLM, BAMN, Black Block, and similar organizations want to see the west fall. Not just America but all of it and the Japanese too. They must crush freedom, liberty and capitalism wherever it may be to bring about the glorious communist revolution and one world government they all dream of. This is the burden of success when the less successful envy the more successful and demand a lions share if not all of the successful pie.

This was all built and executed on the  dung heap of the Talmud. The Talmud is an encyclopedia of racial supremacy that states unequivocally that Jews are the rightful rulers of the planet and that all others are the same as the animals. Non Jews according to the Talmud were born to serve Jews and not unlike the Koran, the Talmud allows for the raping of non followers children.

So let’s see the Jews dominate the worlds monetary system, they dominate the press, Hollywood and the internet, they make our politicians declare fealty to Israel in the form of campaign donations, Jewish congressman have duel citizenship with Israel, and of all things they dominate the porn industry which regularly depicts White women as conquests of both Black men and women and eagerly willing to be dominated by them. Jews overwhelmingly vote for leftists and the biggest donor to all the groups mentioned above is the Jew, Gorge Soros. One has to ask whether the C.E.O.’s of all these companies now funding BLM aren’t predominantly Jewish as well. Jews, the same people who established the North Atlantic slave trade and call Europeans racist, dangerous, and fit for extermination. The same Jews who promoted African migration into Europe.

Are you getting the picture yet?

However, like W.C. Fields father once told him, “You can’t con an honest man.” Just because a bunch of stupid White kids ran running through their neighborhoods screaming “Kill the police” doesn’t mean the Black community had to follow them. Just because a Black criminal is killed by the police or a citizen, doesn’t mean the incident was racist … unless you really want to believe.

Where are all the voices from the Black community condemning this behavior? Where is the Black Militia? Shouldn’t they be protecting neighborhoods from attack if they even exist. What the non Blacks are seeing is the New Black Panther’s talking about killing White babies.

The pendulum always swings both ways and when it swings too far in one direction it will most certainly swing back just as far. Remember what happened when the “Allies” abused the Germans after WWI?

You can’t make friends with anyone by force. You can’t Burn, Loot, and Murder and expect people to like you. If you want to get ahead in this world people have to like or at least respect you. Respect is earned. Perhaps someone might enlighten me by explaining how any of this crap is going to make White people respect Black people.

If there is a majority of Black people opposed to what is going on right now the time for them to get loud is now. Because if you don’t get loud now you’re going to get dragged down with the idiots of your race.


The Man of Tomorrow



There used to be a time in America when men and women sought each other out in order to have families of their own. Father would leave for work in the morning and mother would tend to the children and the minor household chores. On the weekends father was home mowing lawns, shoving snow, and making home repairs. Perhaps even catching Wide World of sports on TV. Family outings might involve a river, lake or snowy hill and every Sunday everyone marched off to church to thank the Lord.

Things have changed a great deal since the simple days of the nations past. After the great wars women wanted to continue working as they had in the factories while the men had gone to war. And so they worked and worked. The more they worked the more money of their very own they wanted to make and like the guys they wanted to climb the corporate ladder but for different reasons. Men wanted to excel in the workplace to provide a better life for their families or to start one. Women wanted to work so that they could be independent. And so they became independent.

Today we are seeing a complete turn around in the male female dynamic. While women struggle with the corporate ladder more and more young men are completely checking out. Either they are still living at home with their parents or they only work enough to pay for their car, a roof, some clothes, beer and their Play Station. Perhaps even a pricey realistic sex doll. Men have lost their incentive to succeed based largely on the level of competition (secretaries used to be men) and watching their fathers and grandfathers get financially and emotionally wrecked by the women they chose to marry.

There is an interesting phenomenon that has occurred between men and women during their middle ages in modern times. Middle age (35 – 50) is when mother dearest (based on divorce filing statistics) decides she wants to take a new direction as she sees the wall rapidly approach or has hit it head on. The result for many men is financial devastation which frankly is more than likely exactly what their ex’s wanted. To justify leaving someone you have children with requires a great deal of self hypnosis and make believe.

Consequently when these people pair up with a new mate or more precisely the mate they will ride out the rest of their or their partners existence on earth with, the man is dead broke and in extensive debt and the woman provides the home (sometimes her ex’s home) and financial stability while the male, his body breaking down from years of physical abuse (I don’t know any fathers who work 40 hour week) is “kept” by his mate. So precedence has been set for the woman to be the provider.

Continuing on this path it would seem that in the home there will be a complete role reversal in the very near future. Men are saying no to college. You tell me who’s going to be the breadwinner. Wanna have kids? It won’t be mother staying at home, her role will end at birth like fathers used to. Mothers working long hours to provide for the family will be the norm and fathers will be sitting on the couch eating bon bons and watching Jerry Springer.

If this is what women want than congratulations to women everywhere. Go run the world, go to war, be a cop, climb the corporate ladder to success. You can have it all the kid, the man and the job you’ll just have to be able to afford it. Like men used to if they wanted kids, women and jobs. Father can stay at home, take car of the kids, do the minor house chores and watch porn.

If this isn’t the future you want to live in (some think it is already the norm) too bad. People set this train in motion decades ago and it is still cho cho choing along at breakneck speed. Maybe someone will wake up before your future grandchildren have kids and men start wearing dresses. Ahem, I meant kilts.

African Slaves in America – The truth!


Before the Atlantic slave trade was opened there were plenty of slaves in America. People in England who were on the bottom of the totem pole were easily snatched up and tossed aboard a sailing vessel never to see the land of their birth again. The term kidnap came from these times when labor was needed in the New World and children were snatched of the streets for a lifetime of slavery (which in general wasn’t very long). Sending criminals to the New World was a complete no brainer and the Irish …. ah the Irish. It surely seemed like the English saw Ireland as a never ending source of slaves. Accusing someone of a crime and convicting them was pretty easy back then. There were also people who were in debt and were brought as indentured servants to America most of whom died as slaves without ever having earned their freedom.

Everything was going just peachy when a group of entrepreneurs arrived with a new kind of slave. This new brand of slave was much stronger and could work much longer and harder than skinny little half starved English and Irish lads. Even though this new kind of slave was pricey compared to their own people who were enslaved, these were Africans who were used to running everywhere and hunting their food which made them considerably more athletic than their slaves. One African could do the work of several Irishmen.

Who were these entrepreneurs?

Originally they had come from Portugal as their adopted state. But like around 150 other times in other countries (give or take), the indigenous people had enough of them for the usual reasons namely human sacrifice (usually children) and usury (financial). After this group of people (who cannot be named) migrated (escaped) to Holland they set up the Dutch East India Company which was neither Dutch or Indian and their business was running cargo.

Much like the Europeans, Africans also regularly enslaved their own people. In the process of buying and trading for other products available in Africa for sale, representatives of the Dutch East India Company we offered slaves which they were eager to acquire given the reasons stated earlier. To put it in modern terminology, these entrepreneurs were the Ferengi of their time driven solely by profit.

Slaves were generally easy to come by in America and African slaves were expensive. In todays money in the neighborhood of 30-40 thousand dollars for a young African male. Compare that to today’s slave prices in the open market. There are so many slaves in the world today that the average cost is around $500. Higher priced slaves are generally very young and used for sex/sacrifice. The point being is that only the wealthiest of people could afford to purchase African slaves in the first place much less house, clothe and feed them. In fact it was a tiny percentage of Caucasian, Indigenous, and Africans who were African slave owners. Yes even Africans in America owned African slaves in fact the very first person to legally own a slave in America was an African who took the case to court claiming his indentured servant was in fact his property.

From America’s start it would seem that the majority of American’s looked down on the practice of slavery even though it was (and frankly still is) the custom of the time across all nations. If you have a barn full of 30K dollar tractors you don’t just go giving them away even if you hate that they burn fossil fuels. It was not uncommon for farm owners to have their slaves freed after their deaths and some earned their freedom as well.

But the truth is back then life was hard. Hard like you can’t even imagine. Food, clothing shelter; these were not human rights. Many if not most of the children died as did their mothers trying to give birth to them. If you lived in the country you might only eat if you killed that day and if you lived around others you were lucky for any work no matter how grueling if it got you a piece of bread. If you weren’t ready to fight you’d better have been ready to die.

For many who were slaves and this is still true today, slavery isn’t the worst thing that could happen to them and they knew it. Africans could be eaten by any number of predators on their home continent but it was probably more likely that they died at the hands of other Africans. You know like in Chicago. Food everyday, something to wear, and something to keep the rain off is more than a lot of people had which might explain why so few ran away. Even after America’s Civil War many Africans wanted to remain on the farms they worked knowing how scary and unpredictable the world was at that time for anyone to be on their own. Of course they had skills they worked farms.

Speaking about the Civil War it is important to realize that slavery, at least in America was naturally coming to an end. The practice was increasingly being met with public condemnation and soon inventions would have made the practice obsolete. The South did not attempt to secede from the Republic because of slavery but because the North had been bossing the South around and the Southerners figured they could do better on their own. Given the words in the Declaration of Independence it is likely that the South believed they would in fact secede simply by resisting military operations from the North. Northerners had no belly for war and the South would have had a successful secession had Lincoln not managed to hype the war on the back of the injustice of slavery.

It is easy to understand why Southerners resented Africans after the war. They would have had their own Nation were it not for Lincoln tying Africans into the conflict and the South was devastated for a long time after the war and not treated very well by the Union occupiers either. To put this into perspective the last military survivor of the Civil War died in 1956. Some of you were alive when he passed.

People look back at all of this history of American slavery out of perspective. There are more slaves on planet earth today then at any other time in history but no one wants to hear that because it is not so easy to blame the world but it is easy to single someone out when we can blame a specific group.

As to who the original entrepreneurs were, who established the Atlantic slave trade? Why tell you when you already know who they are. They are your Masters. The ones you dare not speak publicly against. The ones who own a piece of everything you think you own and the ones who decide what you can’t see, read or hear.

It is as always the usual suspects.

Black Lives Matter: Rape is Racist!



Journalist Ed Anger from The Weekly World News:

A stunning new development has unfolded in the George Floyd protests around America. In an announcement from the leadership of BLM (Black Lives Matter) states that BLM believes that the act of rape is racist. Citing F.B.I. statistics on rape in the United States. Patrisse Cullors, one of the original founders of BLM stated that the situation was “Unprecedented and inexcusable.”

According to the F.B.I. about 20 thousand Caucasian females are raped every year by Black men yet the number of Black women raped by Caucasian males is near zero.

“Clearly White men rape but why don’t they rape Black women?” complained Cullors.

Pointing out that most women have rape fantasys Ms. Cullors (pronounced colors) said, “It is not fair that Black men are willing to rape White women but when it comes to White men raping Black women, Black women are getting the short end of the stick.”

BLM is not taking this obvious slight lying down.

Steven Jacobson was hospitalized by what he claimed was a gang of Black women in Chicago 3 days ago.

“I was just walking down the street minding my own business when this Black woman who was dressed like a stripper approached me and demanded that I rape her. When I refused 10 or 12 Black women appeared out of nowhere and started hitting and kicking me calling me a racist and demanding that I rape the woman who looked like a stripper. When I continued to refuse they had bats and started beating me until I passed out. I’m not a racist I’ve never raped anyone in my entire life.”

Mr. Jacobson is now in traction with several broken bones and a concussion. According to eyewitness accounts the dozen or so Black women who assaulted Jacobson continued beating him long after he went unconscious. Two witnesses were surprised that he was still alive.

Mayor Lori Elaine Lightfoot of the city of Chicago stated, “We are going to hold White men accountable and will be launching an investigation into these allegations. If I find out that White men are refusing to rape African women we will arrest them and take them to jail period!”

Strong words from a strong African American woman who would like every White man to know that Black women deserved to be raped just as much as White women are raped.

Anti Revisionists of the Great Wars



Most people have a public school taught view of the world wars. Dough-boys and the Yanks are coming kinda stuff. The ultimate battle of good verses evil and all that but I digress. Many of us if not most of us have relatives who lost their lives prematurely because of these wars. For most people this level of knowledge is good enough. They have their own lives to lead and few are true fans of history. But there are enough inconsistencies in the general knowledge that curiosity will get to some of you cats out there and what you likely discovered is that there is a major disagreement between two radically opposed sides as to what did or did not actually happen. History is a tale written by the victors and in an age of radio when none would question what was piped through the airwaves, it certainly seems just as true then as when Napoleon made the same observation.  Even recent events from 20 years ago, the history of the event, the real history, is beginning to disappear on the net. One must ask if we ever really know the truth about anything historic.

Those who claim to have done research on these wars are often referred to as “revisionists.” What most of these revisionists claim is that everything most people think they know about these wars is utter bullshit. Their claim is that the entire narrative surrounding these wars is completely made up to basically make the people feel good about themselves. The best example of these revisionist theories is the claim that the Germans murdered 6 million Jews. According to revisionists there is no scientific data to back up these claims and that the 6 million would have represented at least 1/3 of the planets entire Jewish population yet the Jews themselves never reported such a significant loss in their global population. This of course is just one of the points they make in revising the narrative.

We don’t go around trying to dig up ancient civilizations because we believe the established history of these civilizations. Often in doing so we discover a different truth so history itself is always fluid. Are you sure you know what happened on 9/11? Is anyone sure? And if not how can you be sure what happened 40 years ago or 100 years ago or 2 thousand years ago?

The point I’m making here is the anti revisionists who decry revisionists don’t have a logical argument to make. Did 6 million Jews get murdered in concentration camps by the Germans? If so prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Because here’s the thing, there is a shadow of a doubt and it’s a pretty big shadow. For example, the only detainment facility that has not been open to independent researchers is also the only facility that hasn’t completely debunked the gas chamber myth. During the 1950’s the United States Army cleared every camp on the western side of such wrongdoing.

Revisionists tend to be open minded to new information. They are in theory truth seekers on personal quests to that end on a trail they find interesting. If it wasn’t the great wars it would be some other quest for their holy grail. Anti revisionists however are not open to any information that contradicts their revised view of the events. Their motivations for promoting or defending the public school system narrative is both financial and an attempt to protect something or some group.

Anti revisionists would have you believe these wars were a battle of good against evil which may or may not be true. Revisionists remind us that there is good and evil on every side in every war ever fought and that some of that evil, just like the good persists to this day.